White Roses with Eucalyptus


White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet

A vision of understated elegance, this bouquet pairs the classic beauty of 12 white rose stems with the soft, silvery allure of eucalyptus foliage. It is the perfect embodiment of grace and refinement, designed to bring serenity and charm to any occasion.

Bouquet Features:

  • 12 White Roses: A timeless symbol of purity and sophistication, these pristine blooms form the heart of the arrangement, exuding an air of tranquillity and poise.

  • Eucalyptus Foliage: The delicate, silvery-green eucalyptus leaves lend a contemporary freshness, their subtle fragrance perfectly complementing the roses.

  • Modern Wrapping: Encased in minimalist white wrapping, the bouquet's presentation is as refined as the blooms themselves, creating a polished and stylish aesthetic.


  • An impeccable choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any celebration deserving of an elegant touch.

  • A thoughtful gesture to convey love, sympathy, or heartfelt gratitude.

  • A sophisticated addition to home or office interiors, bringing a sense of calm and beauty to any space.

Care Instructions:

  • Trim the stems at an angle and immerse them in fresh water without delay.

  • Change the water every two days and keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and draughts.

  • Add flower food, if available, to extend the life of the blooms.

The White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet, featuring 12 exquisite rose stems, is a quintessentially elegant arrangement that speaks volumes in its quiet beauty and enduring charm.

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White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet

A vision of understated elegance, this bouquet pairs the classic beauty of 12 white rose stems with the soft, silvery allure of eucalyptus foliage. It is the perfect embodiment of grace and refinement, designed to bring serenity and charm to any occasion.

Bouquet Features:

  • 12 White Roses: A timeless symbol of purity and sophistication, these pristine blooms form the heart of the arrangement, exuding an air of tranquillity and poise.

  • Eucalyptus Foliage: The delicate, silvery-green eucalyptus leaves lend a contemporary freshness, their subtle fragrance perfectly complementing the roses.

  • Modern Wrapping: Encased in minimalist white wrapping, the bouquet's presentation is as refined as the blooms themselves, creating a polished and stylish aesthetic.


  • An impeccable choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any celebration deserving of an elegant touch.

  • A thoughtful gesture to convey love, sympathy, or heartfelt gratitude.

  • A sophisticated addition to home or office interiors, bringing a sense of calm and beauty to any space.

Care Instructions:

  • Trim the stems at an angle and immerse them in fresh water without delay.

  • Change the water every two days and keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and draughts.

  • Add flower food, if available, to extend the life of the blooms.

The White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet, featuring 12 exquisite rose stems, is a quintessentially elegant arrangement that speaks volumes in its quiet beauty and enduring charm.

White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet

A vision of understated elegance, this bouquet pairs the classic beauty of 12 white rose stems with the soft, silvery allure of eucalyptus foliage. It is the perfect embodiment of grace and refinement, designed to bring serenity and charm to any occasion.

Bouquet Features:

  • 12 White Roses: A timeless symbol of purity and sophistication, these pristine blooms form the heart of the arrangement, exuding an air of tranquillity and poise.

  • Eucalyptus Foliage: The delicate, silvery-green eucalyptus leaves lend a contemporary freshness, their subtle fragrance perfectly complementing the roses.

  • Modern Wrapping: Encased in minimalist white wrapping, the bouquet's presentation is as refined as the blooms themselves, creating a polished and stylish aesthetic.


  • An impeccable choice for weddings, anniversaries, or any celebration deserving of an elegant touch.

  • A thoughtful gesture to convey love, sympathy, or heartfelt gratitude.

  • A sophisticated addition to home or office interiors, bringing a sense of calm and beauty to any space.

Care Instructions:

  • Trim the stems at an angle and immerse them in fresh water without delay.

  • Change the water every two days and keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight and draughts.

  • Add flower food, if available, to extend the life of the blooms.

The White Roses with Eucalyptus Bouquet, featuring 12 exquisite rose stems, is a quintessentially elegant arrangement that speaks volumes in its quiet beauty and enduring charm.

Due to seasonal changes and availability, we will do our best to provide the same selection of flowers. However, the selection may vary to ensure the highest quality and most beautiful arrangement.

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