Victoria Bouquet
The Victoria Bouquet is a lavish and regal arrangement inspired by the timeless elegance and grandeur of Queen Victoria. Bursting with shades of deep pink, vibrant reds, and soft mauves, this bouquet embodies opulence and charm, making it a stunning choice for life’s grandest celebrations.
Lush Hydrangeas: Richly coloured hydrangeas in vivid pinks and mauves serve as the focal point, exuding luxury and depth.
Elegant Roses: A mix of bold red, blush, and soft pink roses adds classic beauty and a romantic touch to the arrangement.
Delicate Accents: Spray roses and lisianthus complement the bouquet with their intricate textures and delicate elegance.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage bring balance and a fresh, natural element to the bouquet.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in soft pink paper, the bouquet is styled to reflect refined beauty and regal sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic celebrations.
A stunning gesture to express love, admiration, or congratulations.
An opulent centrepiece for weddings, events, or grand gatherings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure freshness and vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Victoria Bouquet is a breathtaking tribute to grandeur and beauty, making it the ideal choice for someone who appreciates luxury and timeless elegance.
Victoria Bouquet
The Victoria Bouquet is a lavish and regal arrangement inspired by the timeless elegance and grandeur of Queen Victoria. Bursting with shades of deep pink, vibrant reds, and soft mauves, this bouquet embodies opulence and charm, making it a stunning choice for life’s grandest celebrations.
Lush Hydrangeas: Richly coloured hydrangeas in vivid pinks and mauves serve as the focal point, exuding luxury and depth.
Elegant Roses: A mix of bold red, blush, and soft pink roses adds classic beauty and a romantic touch to the arrangement.
Delicate Accents: Spray roses and lisianthus complement the bouquet with their intricate textures and delicate elegance.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage bring balance and a fresh, natural element to the bouquet.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in soft pink paper, the bouquet is styled to reflect refined beauty and regal sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic celebrations.
A stunning gesture to express love, admiration, or congratulations.
An opulent centrepiece for weddings, events, or grand gatherings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure freshness and vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Victoria Bouquet is a breathtaking tribute to grandeur and beauty, making it the ideal choice for someone who appreciates luxury and timeless elegance.
Victoria Bouquet
The Victoria Bouquet is a lavish and regal arrangement inspired by the timeless elegance and grandeur of Queen Victoria. Bursting with shades of deep pink, vibrant reds, and soft mauves, this bouquet embodies opulence and charm, making it a stunning choice for life’s grandest celebrations.
Lush Hydrangeas: Richly coloured hydrangeas in vivid pinks and mauves serve as the focal point, exuding luxury and depth.
Elegant Roses: A mix of bold red, blush, and soft pink roses adds classic beauty and a romantic touch to the arrangement.
Delicate Accents: Spray roses and lisianthus complement the bouquet with their intricate textures and delicate elegance.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage bring balance and a fresh, natural element to the bouquet.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in soft pink paper, the bouquet is styled to reflect refined beauty and regal sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic celebrations.
A stunning gesture to express love, admiration, or congratulations.
An opulent centrepiece for weddings, events, or grand gatherings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure freshness and vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Victoria Bouquet is a breathtaking tribute to grandeur and beauty, making it the ideal choice for someone who appreciates luxury and timeless elegance.