Diana Bouquet
The Diana Bouquet is a breathtaking arrangement inspired by the timeless grace and elegance of Princess Diana. With its pure white palette and sophisticated design, this bouquet serves as a tribute to her enduring legacy of beauty, compassion, and refinement.
Luxurious White Blooms: Showcasing pristine white roses and lisianthus, the bouquet is delicately accented with baby’s breath, symbolising purity and grace.
Elegant Greenery: Soft eucalyptus and seasonal foliage provide a natural texture, perfectly complementing the bouquet’s serene aesthetic.
Chic Presentation: Thoughtfully wrapped in crisp white paper, this bouquet is designed with modern elegance in mind, making it a statement piece for any occasion.
Handcrafted Excellence: Each bloom is carefully selected and arranged by expert florists to ensure a presentation as radiant and impeccable as its namesake.
An ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or christenings, evoking a sense of grace and celebration.
A heartfelt way to express sympathy, gratitude, or well wishes, with a touch of elegance.
A sophisticated centrepiece for formal gatherings or intimate moments.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh the water every two days to ensure lasting freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Diana Bouquet captures the essence of Princess Diana’s elegance and charm, making it a fitting tribute for those who appreciate beauty, sophistication, and meaningful gestures.
Diana Bouquet
The Diana Bouquet is a breathtaking arrangement inspired by the timeless grace and elegance of Princess Diana. With its pure white palette and sophisticated design, this bouquet serves as a tribute to her enduring legacy of beauty, compassion, and refinement.
Luxurious White Blooms: Showcasing pristine white roses and lisianthus, the bouquet is delicately accented with baby’s breath, symbolising purity and grace.
Elegant Greenery: Soft eucalyptus and seasonal foliage provide a natural texture, perfectly complementing the bouquet’s serene aesthetic.
Chic Presentation: Thoughtfully wrapped in crisp white paper, this bouquet is designed with modern elegance in mind, making it a statement piece for any occasion.
Handcrafted Excellence: Each bloom is carefully selected and arranged by expert florists to ensure a presentation as radiant and impeccable as its namesake.
An ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or christenings, evoking a sense of grace and celebration.
A heartfelt way to express sympathy, gratitude, or well wishes, with a touch of elegance.
A sophisticated centrepiece for formal gatherings or intimate moments.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh the water every two days to ensure lasting freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Diana Bouquet captures the essence of Princess Diana’s elegance and charm, making it a fitting tribute for those who appreciate beauty, sophistication, and meaningful gestures.
Diana Bouquet
The Diana Bouquet is a breathtaking arrangement inspired by the timeless grace and elegance of Princess Diana. With its pure white palette and sophisticated design, this bouquet serves as a tribute to her enduring legacy of beauty, compassion, and refinement.
Luxurious White Blooms: Showcasing pristine white roses and lisianthus, the bouquet is delicately accented with baby’s breath, symbolising purity and grace.
Elegant Greenery: Soft eucalyptus and seasonal foliage provide a natural texture, perfectly complementing the bouquet’s serene aesthetic.
Chic Presentation: Thoughtfully wrapped in crisp white paper, this bouquet is designed with modern elegance in mind, making it a statement piece for any occasion.
Handcrafted Excellence: Each bloom is carefully selected and arranged by expert florists to ensure a presentation as radiant and impeccable as its namesake.
An ideal gift for weddings, anniversaries, or christenings, evoking a sense of grace and celebration.
A heartfelt way to express sympathy, gratitude, or well wishes, with a touch of elegance.
A sophisticated centrepiece for formal gatherings or intimate moments.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh the water every two days to ensure lasting freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Diana Bouquet captures the essence of Princess Diana’s elegance and charm, making it a fitting tribute for those who appreciate beauty, sophistication, and meaningful gestures.
Due to seasonal changes and availability, we will do our best to provide the same selection of flowers. However, the selection may vary to ensure the highest quality and most beautiful arrangement.