Suzi Bouquet
The Suzi Bouquet is a vibrant and cheerful arrangement that radiates warmth and positivity. Featuring bold sunflowers complemented by striking greenery and thistle accents, this bouquet is perfect for bringing joy and brightness to any space or occasion.
Radiant Sunflowers: A stunning selection of sunflowers with their bold yellow petals and rich brown centres, symbolising happiness and optimism.
Textured Accents: Blue thistles add a touch of contrast and texture, elevating the bouquet’s visual appeal.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage balance the arrangement with natural, calming tones.
Elegant Yellow Wrap: Presented in soft yellow wrapping paper, this bouquet is both charming and sophisticated.
A wonderful gift for birthdays, celebrations, or housewarmings.
A thoughtful gesture to express gratitude, congratulations, or best wishes.
A cheerful addition to home décor, bringing warmth and energy to any room.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to keep the flowers vibrant.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Suzi Bouquet is a radiant and uplifting choice, perfect for brightening someone’s day or adding a burst of colour and joy to any setting.
Suzi Bouquet
The Suzi Bouquet is a vibrant and cheerful arrangement that radiates warmth and positivity. Featuring bold sunflowers complemented by striking greenery and thistle accents, this bouquet is perfect for bringing joy and brightness to any space or occasion.
Radiant Sunflowers: A stunning selection of sunflowers with their bold yellow petals and rich brown centres, symbolising happiness and optimism.
Textured Accents: Blue thistles add a touch of contrast and texture, elevating the bouquet’s visual appeal.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage balance the arrangement with natural, calming tones.
Elegant Yellow Wrap: Presented in soft yellow wrapping paper, this bouquet is both charming and sophisticated.
A wonderful gift for birthdays, celebrations, or housewarmings.
A thoughtful gesture to express gratitude, congratulations, or best wishes.
A cheerful addition to home décor, bringing warmth and energy to any room.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to keep the flowers vibrant.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Suzi Bouquet is a radiant and uplifting choice, perfect for brightening someone’s day or adding a burst of colour and joy to any setting.
Suzi Bouquet
The Suzi Bouquet is a vibrant and cheerful arrangement that radiates warmth and positivity. Featuring bold sunflowers complemented by striking greenery and thistle accents, this bouquet is perfect for bringing joy and brightness to any space or occasion.
Radiant Sunflowers: A stunning selection of sunflowers with their bold yellow petals and rich brown centres, symbolising happiness and optimism.
Textured Accents: Blue thistles add a touch of contrast and texture, elevating the bouquet’s visual appeal.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and seasonal foliage balance the arrangement with natural, calming tones.
Elegant Yellow Wrap: Presented in soft yellow wrapping paper, this bouquet is both charming and sophisticated.
A wonderful gift for birthdays, celebrations, or housewarmings.
A thoughtful gesture to express gratitude, congratulations, or best wishes.
A cheerful addition to home décor, bringing warmth and energy to any room.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to keep the flowers vibrant.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Suzi Bouquet is a radiant and uplifting choice, perfect for brightening someone’s day or adding a burst of colour and joy to any setting.