Florist choice
Florist’s Choice Bouquet
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is a celebration of colour, texture, and expert artistry, handpicked and designed by our florists as their absolute favourite. Bursting with vibrant blooms and lush foliage, this bouquet is a testament to creativity and passion for floral design.
Bright and Bold Blooms: A harmonious mix of roses in shades of pink and coral, paired with striking red anthuriums, bring vibrancy and elegance to this bouquet.
Unique Textures: Wax flowers, hypericum berries, and eucalyptus add depth and charm, creating a bouquet that’s both dynamic and visually captivating.
Perfectly Balanced Design: Combining classic and contemporary elements, this bouquet showcases the florist’s expert eye for detail and love for standout arrangements.
Elegant Presentation: Wrapped in black and transparent paper, the design is finished with a polished, modern touch.
The perfect choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or celebrations where a statement bouquet is needed.
A thoughtful gift for those who appreciate bold, artistic floral designs.
A vibrant centrepiece for events or home décor, bringing life and joy to any space.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days for optimal longevity.
Display in a cool area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is the epitome of artistry and passion, showcasing the best of what our florists have to offer. Perfect for any occasion, it’s sure to leave a lasting impression with its beauty and boldness.
Florist’s Choice Bouquet
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is a celebration of colour, texture, and expert artistry, handpicked and designed by our florists as their absolute favourite. Bursting with vibrant blooms and lush foliage, this bouquet is a testament to creativity and passion for floral design.
Bright and Bold Blooms: A harmonious mix of roses in shades of pink and coral, paired with striking red anthuriums, bring vibrancy and elegance to this bouquet.
Unique Textures: Wax flowers, hypericum berries, and eucalyptus add depth and charm, creating a bouquet that’s both dynamic and visually captivating.
Perfectly Balanced Design: Combining classic and contemporary elements, this bouquet showcases the florist’s expert eye for detail and love for standout arrangements.
Elegant Presentation: Wrapped in black and transparent paper, the design is finished with a polished, modern touch.
The perfect choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or celebrations where a statement bouquet is needed.
A thoughtful gift for those who appreciate bold, artistic floral designs.
A vibrant centrepiece for events or home décor, bringing life and joy to any space.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days for optimal longevity.
Display in a cool area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is the epitome of artistry and passion, showcasing the best of what our florists have to offer. Perfect for any occasion, it’s sure to leave a lasting impression with its beauty and boldness.
Florist’s Choice Bouquet
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is a celebration of colour, texture, and expert artistry, handpicked and designed by our florists as their absolute favourite. Bursting with vibrant blooms and lush foliage, this bouquet is a testament to creativity and passion for floral design.
Bright and Bold Blooms: A harmonious mix of roses in shades of pink and coral, paired with striking red anthuriums, bring vibrancy and elegance to this bouquet.
Unique Textures: Wax flowers, hypericum berries, and eucalyptus add depth and charm, creating a bouquet that’s both dynamic and visually captivating.
Perfectly Balanced Design: Combining classic and contemporary elements, this bouquet showcases the florist’s expert eye for detail and love for standout arrangements.
Elegant Presentation: Wrapped in black and transparent paper, the design is finished with a polished, modern touch.
The perfect choice for birthdays, anniversaries, or celebrations where a statement bouquet is needed.
A thoughtful gift for those who appreciate bold, artistic floral designs.
A vibrant centrepiece for events or home décor, bringing life and joy to any space.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days for optimal longevity.
Display in a cool area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Florist’s Choice Bouquet is the epitome of artistry and passion, showcasing the best of what our florists have to offer. Perfect for any occasion, it’s sure to leave a lasting impression with its beauty and boldness.