Marilyn monroe
Marilyn Monroe Bouquet
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a glamorous and timeless arrangement that embodies the allure and elegance of its namesake. With radiant red roses and delicate greenery, this bouquet is a bold statement of passion, beauty, and sophistication.
Radiant Red Roses: A stunning collection of velvety red roses, exuding romance and timeless charm, serves as the focal point of this bouquet.
Delicate Green Accents: Wisps of vibrant greenery add an elegant contrast, enhancing the dramatic beauty of the roses.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in chic black translucent paper, this bouquet is as stylish as it is captivating, making it perfect for any grand occasion.
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Each rose and stem is hand-selected and arranged with care to create a bouquet that radiates perfection and grace.
A luxurious gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or romantic milestones.
An elegant gesture to celebrate achievements, birthdays, or special occasions.
A striking centrepiece for glamorous events or intimate settings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure lasting vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a tribute to glamour and romance, making it an unforgettable gift for those who embody elegance and beauty.
Marilyn Monroe Bouquet
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a glamorous and timeless arrangement that embodies the allure and elegance of its namesake. With radiant red roses and delicate greenery, this bouquet is a bold statement of passion, beauty, and sophistication.
Radiant Red Roses: A stunning collection of velvety red roses, exuding romance and timeless charm, serves as the focal point of this bouquet.
Delicate Green Accents: Wisps of vibrant greenery add an elegant contrast, enhancing the dramatic beauty of the roses.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in chic black translucent paper, this bouquet is as stylish as it is captivating, making it perfect for any grand occasion.
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Each rose and stem is hand-selected and arranged with care to create a bouquet that radiates perfection and grace.
A luxurious gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or romantic milestones.
An elegant gesture to celebrate achievements, birthdays, or special occasions.
A striking centrepiece for glamorous events or intimate settings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure lasting vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a tribute to glamour and romance, making it an unforgettable gift for those who embody elegance and beauty.
Marilyn Monroe Bouquet
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a glamorous and timeless arrangement that embodies the allure and elegance of its namesake. With radiant red roses and delicate greenery, this bouquet is a bold statement of passion, beauty, and sophistication.
Radiant Red Roses: A stunning collection of velvety red roses, exuding romance and timeless charm, serves as the focal point of this bouquet.
Delicate Green Accents: Wisps of vibrant greenery add an elegant contrast, enhancing the dramatic beauty of the roses.
Sophisticated Presentation: Wrapped in chic black translucent paper, this bouquet is as stylish as it is captivating, making it perfect for any grand occasion.
Exquisite Craftsmanship: Each rose and stem is hand-selected and arranged with care to create a bouquet that radiates perfection and grace.
A luxurious gift for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or romantic milestones.
An elegant gesture to celebrate achievements, birthdays, or special occasions.
A striking centrepiece for glamorous events or intimate settings.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon arrival.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure lasting vibrancy.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marilyn Monroe Bouquet is a tribute to glamour and romance, making it an unforgettable gift for those who embody elegance and beauty.