Marie Antoinette
Marie Antoinette Bouquet
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a delicate and opulent arrangement inspired by the elegance and extravagance of the French queen. With its soft pink tones and intricate textures, this bouquet evokes a sense of romance, luxury, and sophistication, perfect for making any occasion unforgettable.
Soft Pink Chrysanthemums: Large, pastel pink blooms form the centrepiece of this arrangement, radiating charm and beauty.
Roses and Seasonal Accents: Miniature roses, astilbe, and other seasonal flowers add depth and texture, creating a layered and intricate design.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and soft foliage balance the bouquet, providing a fresh and natural backdrop to the florals.
Elegant Pink Wrap: Encased in a soft pink wrapping paper, this bouquet is styled to embody refinement and sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic gestures.
A luxurious choice for expressing gratitude, admiration, or congratulations.
A stunning centrepiece for elegant gatherings or home décor, adding a touch of regal beauty.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon receipt.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure longevity and freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral artistry, bringing together grace, beauty, and luxury. Its romantic tones and sophisticated design make it a perfect choice for those who appreciate timeless elegance.
Marie Antoinette Bouquet
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a delicate and opulent arrangement inspired by the elegance and extravagance of the French queen. With its soft pink tones and intricate textures, this bouquet evokes a sense of romance, luxury, and sophistication, perfect for making any occasion unforgettable.
Soft Pink Chrysanthemums: Large, pastel pink blooms form the centrepiece of this arrangement, radiating charm and beauty.
Roses and Seasonal Accents: Miniature roses, astilbe, and other seasonal flowers add depth and texture, creating a layered and intricate design.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and soft foliage balance the bouquet, providing a fresh and natural backdrop to the florals.
Elegant Pink Wrap: Encased in a soft pink wrapping paper, this bouquet is styled to embody refinement and sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic gestures.
A luxurious choice for expressing gratitude, admiration, or congratulations.
A stunning centrepiece for elegant gatherings or home décor, adding a touch of regal beauty.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon receipt.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure longevity and freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral artistry, bringing together grace, beauty, and luxury. Its romantic tones and sophisticated design make it a perfect choice for those who appreciate timeless elegance.
Marie Antoinette Bouquet
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a delicate and opulent arrangement inspired by the elegance and extravagance of the French queen. With its soft pink tones and intricate textures, this bouquet evokes a sense of romance, luxury, and sophistication, perfect for making any occasion unforgettable.
Soft Pink Chrysanthemums: Large, pastel pink blooms form the centrepiece of this arrangement, radiating charm and beauty.
Roses and Seasonal Accents: Miniature roses, astilbe, and other seasonal flowers add depth and texture, creating a layered and intricate design.
Fresh Greenery: Eucalyptus and soft foliage balance the bouquet, providing a fresh and natural backdrop to the florals.
Elegant Pink Wrap: Encased in a soft pink wrapping paper, this bouquet is styled to embody refinement and sophistication.
A perfect gift for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic gestures.
A luxurious choice for expressing gratitude, admiration, or congratulations.
A stunning centrepiece for elegant gatherings or home décor, adding a touch of regal beauty.
Care Instructions:
Trim stems at an angle and place in fresh water immediately upon receipt.
Refresh water and re-trim stems every two days to ensure longevity and freshness.
Display in a cool, shaded area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.
The Marie Antoinette Bouquet is a masterpiece of floral artistry, bringing together grace, beauty, and luxury. Its romantic tones and sophisticated design make it a perfect choice for those who appreciate timeless elegance.